Monday, December 10, 2007

We all need gifts for the aging person in our lives but, what is appropriate. I highly doubt their looking for the latest electronic device or that pair of slippers they can't seem to avoid every year. Try these practical gifts that will make life easier.

HP Printing Mailbox with Presto Service - I know, I know, this is a gadget but, WOW!

This thing is the perfect gift for the person who hates using computers. This printer directly prints e-mails and their respective attachments from approved senders. What does this mean to Grandma, you ask?

The Printing Mailbox will automatically print pictures of the afternoon soccer game and your personal messages without any interaction with a computer. This means you can e-mail grandma everything you did today and she can get it without even turning on a computer monitor.

The only catch is that you have to subscribe to a service that pushes these e-mails. The good news is that the cost is minimal and you can set up the system online yourself. This means your recipient doesn't have to do anything but plug it in the wall and phone line. In my opinion this is the Ultimate Senior Gift. Go in with other family members to purchase this for the right person and you will all benefit when you don't have to "talk her through it" over the phone.

MedCenter System Talking Pill Organizer - I love this product because it is incredibly practical. If you have a family member who takes maintenance medication this is the gift for them. This pill organizer is good for a full month and includes compartments for morning, noon, evening and night on all days.
What makes this organizer different is the attached talking reminder so that family members take their medications on time. This can lead to better health over time. Consider giving the gift of health this year.

Click Here to see the Medcenter Pill Organizer
For the $20 and under crowd...
Square Lighted Magnifier for Travel - No More reading the menu for your loved one. This Magnifier Card is small enough to carry in a wallet and comes in handy for any small print emergency. Even those of us who have better eyesight can benefit from this gift once in a while. The card magnifies any small text and lights up for dark places like restraunts. This magnifier card runs about $12 which makes it a very affordable gift for anyone.

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